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Sunday, November 2, 2008

November 2008 newsletter: how to customize the webform error page

As always, we know your time is precious, so we will try to keep our newsletter short and focused. In this edition we will discuss:

1. Thank you page.
We saw that many forms have the thank you page field empty. Our system automatically redirects your form visitors to the thank you page, and if this field is empty, they will be redirected to nowhere, resulting in a 404 Page not found error displayed after your form is submitted. You can easily fix this by providing a thank you page in full url, such as:

2. Keep the error page looking like your website.
When some of the fields are left empty, emailmeform needs to display a page informing your visitors about the problem. Many form owners do not customize this error page to make it look like their website, though customizing the error page is very easy, as following: step 1. display the html code of the page where you want to put your webform inside an text editor, step 2. mentally divide the code in two parts, the part ABOVE where your form is placed and the part BELOW where your form is placed. step 3. Just copy the HTML code above where the form is placed into the HEADER field inside form wizard, and the HTML code below where the form is placed into the FOOTER field inside form wizard. This way, the error page will look exactly like your website!

3. Attachments.
You can have Browse fields inside of your form, where visitors can upload pictures, documents, CVs, and many other files through your webform, and they will be sent just like any submission to your email.

As with the global economy, we too are going through difficult times, and we need your help.
We will not ask for financial support, instead we are asking you to help us by spreading the word out about our free service.
If you can take the time to write to one or two editors of your preferred local newspaper, radio post, or TV show about our web form creating services, you will help us greatly as they might pick up your suggestion and release an useful article or story about us, and it will result in new users for our website.

Nevertheless, if you have suggestions of how we can improve our service, please let us know. We love to hear from you!

We thank you for choosing us, and we wish you all the best!

Best regards,
Alexandru Marias, CEO

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